You know who you are. The scars reveal the choice you made, to follow the only living God into the unknown, in obedience and faith, only to enter a season of disaster that has lasted longer and brought more Hell on earth than you knew possible.
And now you are searching... grasping for answers... but remember this truth- with God it’s not "just for a reason that everything happens the way it does”. Every tear, every heart ache, every dismissal by those who were suppose to be in your corner, is all doing something… Something that living all your days in the warmth of the sun and the praise of your peers could never do…
It is bringing about perfection in your soul. It is making you into the very image of Christ who is the author of our faith, who himself learned obedience through suffering. So suffer well. Never forget that in all you go through no matter how lonely the road, and deep the pain, God is right beside you, capturing every moist drop from your eyes, collecting the pieces of your broken dreams, hurting with you, yet providing grace that will sustain you even as your hands tire and your feet wobble from the journey that's been too long and cost so much…
No it’s not meaningless- God has never loved you more or been more proud of you then in this moment when your heart is breaking, yet you drag what's left of you forward, refusing to give up... Sometimes when all
you can do is stand again, but the force of another tragedy blows you over- its His arms that you fall into that He wanted you to be in all along. The safest, most wonderful and peaceful place in the universe. A place that can only be found when we are emptied of all that we hold dear, and hold open, empty hands up to our Father who grabs hold of them and refuses to let go, as He carries us step by step into a glorious, unimaginable never ending relationship, where all the broken pieces of our life reveal how deep , how wide, how high, and high long is the Father’s love for us, forever and always, for all eternity.