It is painfully difficult some days to parent children who have had traumatic loss and come to you broken. Day after day can be filled with challenges. Most people have no idea and cannot understand what you are going through. Your life, as you knew it, is totally gone. Some days you are held hostage by disruptive behavior that comes from a child, that has experienced a horrific loss. Who never had a chance to attach and bond with a parent when their little brains desperately needed it....and thus their little brains could not grow and thrive.
Why do it? Why give up your life? Why give up your peaceful home? Why give up me time? Why give up your freedom?
Because I refuse to be indifferent to the heartbreak and cry of the orphan. God loved me enough to rescue me from my hopeless life. God came for me. I am suppose to be the hands and feet of God, and I must reach out to love the unloved on behalf of Him. It is an honor to serve the Lord and be His ambassador.
I want my life to mean something. I want my life to a life that is CONSUMED by following Christ and doing His Work. Adopting orphans and all that comes with that, definitely does consume you.....and thus I am consumed by doing HIS WORK each day. Loving, forgiving, nurturing HIS CHILDREN.
Is there anything more important I can do with my life, other than to serve my Lord and work for Him every day?
There are so many Christian self help books on how to be a better, more godly person. I have found by just pouring out my life to others, I learn how to be less selfish, how to forgive, how to give unconditional love, how to impact others, how to be content, how to count my blessings, how to experience God in a tangible way.
You can just read.......or you can do.
I choose to be a doer. Am I going to be perfect t it? No, but the more difficult the task, the more we need the Lord and His wisdom to get through each day. And the more He increases in our lives and the more we decrease.
(By the way, I am not saying don't read books. We read lots of books, as we try to glean & learn how new ways to care for our children, but it is important to not just read & learn, but to DO, to put it into action. Otherwise there is no point in reading.)
So why adopt?
1. Because we are commanded in the Bible to care for widows and orphans. (James 1)
2. Because we love God and want to share His LOVE with others.
3. Because we want to be molded by Christ into the person He wants us to be.
4. Because we truly want to be more like Christ and want to die to our sinful natures.